What I purchased tonight was a few rolls of 19' grapevine garland... the idea which I got from a wedding K. Holly took, see the link below, is they used the grapevine as deco on the head table winding it threw out the top with candles and tableware.
Jenni and Vanessa rode down to Beckers with me! I'm so thankful for their feedback and support. They made the decision so simple! As funny as it is, they told me to think more about myself than all of them and to do what makes me happy, which is what a lot of the married ladies have been telling me! Thank you girls... I'll do a lot of babysitting for you to make up for all the help you given me so far! :)
Also, talking about dresses, Linda, my mom-to-be, bought an adorable dress to wear to rehearsal! She is going to look fabulous! :D
One more thing down! :D YIPPEE!!! Getting so excited...