If life wasn't crazy enough with working on our home, Ryan and I getting used to living together after having opposite schedules, trying to figure out my place in the photography world, enjoying our adorable lil' nephews Evan, Forrest, and Levi plus Vivian, our adorable niece... Ryan and I also have a puppy or at least is the size of one, Jack, who is a Jack Russell mix! How fun and YES, and a little crazy, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Is it Thursday yet!?!

It is only Wednesday and it feels like it should be Thursday!

Few things I've learned this week...

*I am not a morning person... so running at 6:30 a.m. is not going to happen except for this past Monday

*Nail polish has helped me to NOT bite my nails for a week... its a gross habit that I'm hopefully stopping... just have to invest in more nail polish

*That I need to let go of control in some aspects of my life... I've been putting my nose to the grindstone at work trying to make this year better than the last but have been lacking at home... I need more equality across the board with work, home, and fun! I'm wearing myself down and making it not very pleasant to be around  :(

*Since September 11... I've gained 12 lbs!!! YIPES! My new bathing suit came today... lets hope we can fit that extra 12 lbs in to it! :-/

Looking forward to catching up on some stuff around the house and getting ready for Jilly's baby shower!

Thursday, you need to be here!

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