If life wasn't crazy enough with working on our home, Ryan and I getting used to living together after having opposite schedules, trying to figure out my place in the photography world, enjoying our adorable lil' nephews Evan, Forrest, and Levi plus Vivian, our adorable niece... Ryan and I also have a puppy or at least is the size of one, Jack, who is a Jack Russell mix! How fun and YES, and a little crazy, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We have a date!!!

We officially have a date! September 11, 2010! At first we weren't sure just because of the devastation that had happened on that day, but we thought that with it being many years later that it was about time to try to make it a happy day again! PLUS... at The Harbourfront Grand Hall it was the only Saturday besides Labor Day weekend open for late summer! My back up day was September 10, but even that was taken!

SO... mark you 2010 calendars when you get them! Ryan and I still hope to in the future send out "Save the Dates" just cause it is the weekend after Labor Day and all...

YIPPEE... the hardest part is over! I'm setting up a time for next week to see about a photographer, Phrene! Check out her website at... http://www.phrene.com and let me know what you think! A friend of Ryan's had there pictures done by her and they were amazing! Also on Wedding Wire, she has a lot of wonderful things said about her and her photography!

Feels like I can stress less... and start to enjoy planning our wedding more!


  1. ooo I met with Phrene about photos...she's does some really cool artsy stuff! Have fun!

  2. PS this is Chris :)

  3. HAHA... didn't know you met with her! I like her stuff a lot! Mom and I are meeting her on Tuesday at Starbucks!
